pokemon go buddy gen 3
pokemon go buddy gen 3

2017年12月25日—Pokemonthatyouholdinyourarmsorstandonyourshoulderhavetobewalked5-10km.Iforgetwhich,butIbelieveit's10km.Thentheygoin ...,2024年4月9日—Gen3.Poochyena&Mightyena;Zigzagoon&Linoone;Wurmple,Silcoon,Cascoon,Beautifly&Dustox;Taillow&Swallo...

Pokemon Go 1km Buddy list

2024年4月9日—Gen3.Poochyena&Mightyena;Zigzagoon&Linoone;Wurmple,Silcoon,Cascoon,Beautifly&Dustox;Taillow&Swallow;Surskit&Masquerain ...

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Compilation of All Gen 3 Buddy Distances

2017年12月25日 — Pokemon that you hold in your arms or stand on your shoulder have to be walked 5-10 km. I forget which, but I believe it's 10km. Then they go in ...

Pokemon Go 1km Buddy list

2024年4月9日 — Gen 3. Poochyena & Mightyena; Zigzagoon & Linoone; Wurmple, Silcoon, Cascoon, Beautifly & Dustox; Taillow & Swallow; Surskit & Masquerain ...

Pokemon Go to Add Another Buddy Evolution in Gen 3

2017年12月14日 — Pokemon Go's support page revealed that players will need to walk Feebas as a buddy Pokemon in order to evolve into Milotic. Buddy evolutions ...

Pokémon GO

Reach 10km with Eevee as your buddy and evolve it while it's still your buddy for it to be Espeon in Day or Umbreon at night. As you walk with the Pokémon, when ...

Pokémon GO Buddy Distance Chart

2022年9月30日 — Gen 3 Pokémon. Anorith; Armaldo; Azurill; Baltoy; Banette; Blaziken; Breloom; Cacnea; Cacturne; Camerupt; Carvanha; Clamperl; Claydol; Combusken ...

Pokemon Go 3km Buddy list

2023年12月28日 — This is our Pokemon Go 3km Buddy list featuring every Pokemon that gain Candy every few kilometers so you can plan out your grind better.

Pokemon GO Player Has Had the Same Buddy for 4 Years

2024年3月18日 — Reddit user RemixHydra43, who started playing Pokemon GO during the Halloween 2020 event, has kept the Generation 3 Bug- ...

3 km Buddy Pokémon List

A list of all Pokémon that require 3 km (1.84 miles) walking to earn 1 Candy as a Buddy Pokémon. One kilometer is equivalent to 0.6214 miles. #. Name. Max CP.

Pokémon Go Buddy distance chart for when ...

6 天前 — Gen 3: Poochyena; Mightyena; Zigzagoon; Linoone; Wurmple; Silcoon; Beautifly; Cascoon; Dustox; Taillow; Swellow; Surskit; Masquerain; Whismur ...


2017年12月25日—Pokemonthatyouholdinyourarmsorstandonyourshoulderhavetobewalked5-10km.Iforgetwhich,butIbelieveit's10km.Thentheygoin ...,2024年4月9日—Gen3.Poochyena&Mightyena;Zigzagoon&Linoone;Wurmple,Silcoon,Cascoon,Beautifly&Dustox;Taillow&Swallow;Surskit&Masquerain ...,2017年12月14日—PokemonGo'ssupportpagerevealedthatplayerswillneedtowalkFeebasasabuddyPokemoninordertoevolv...